Associates Degree in Nursing in California

Associates Degree in Nursing in CaliforniaEarning a nursing degree is an excellent means through which graduates embark on an exciting career in health care, and fortunately for California residents, there are many options available to earn an Associates Degree in Nursing in California. The state is home to many institutions renowned for successfully training nurses to meet the demands of this challenging occupation. An Associates Degree in Nursing earned from one of the best nursing schools in California is an important step toward achieving career success.

Where to Get an Associates Degree in Nursing in California

At Long Beach City College, the nursing program is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, or the NLNAC. The program stresses the professional role of the nurse within the health community, the value of effective communication, the collaborative nature of health care and critical thinking skills. In addition, the faculty utilizes Orem’s Self Care Theory to inform their instruction philosophy. Students have access to the latest technology and practices so that their education is up-to-date for modern medical offices. Students in the program generally qualify for federal student loan programs.

The Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health is another fine example of a school that offers an Associates Degree in Nursing in California. The college presents an enormously successful nursing degree program that routinely graduates highly qualified students. The program is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing and accredited by the NLNAC. In this centrally located institution, students gain work experience at major area hospitals while also learning in the classroom. Classes include pharmacology, medical and surgical nursing and nursing for particular segments of the population such as children and the elderly. Federal government loans for education are typically available to students who enroll in this associate degree program.

In Oakland, students who want to succeed as a nurse frequently enroll at Merritt College. This highly regarded nursing degree program is accredited by the NLNAC. Graduates from this program enjoy some of the best rates of success when they sit for the nursing licensure exams. During a two year program, students work with faculty that is knowledgeable, experienced and supportive. The college exists to be a credit to its community and the individuals it serves. To that end, an outstanding educational experience is delivered during every term that includes instruction about the nursing process, skills required for intervention and the understanding of human behavior and development. Many students depend upon federal government loans to complete their education here.

Employment Options For Nurses With an Associates Degree in Nursing in California

California is home to many outstanding hospitals. Graduates of the associate degree programs at any of the three institutions listed above are well prepared to work at any of these medical facilities. In the Los Angeles area, many nurses are employed by the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center or Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. UC San Diego Medical Center is another outstanding employer in southern California while the University of California, Davis Medical Center attracts many qualified nurses in the central region.

With a two year degree, it’s possible to obtain entry level employment in one of California’s premier hospitals. Graduates who earn an Associates Degree in Nursing in California are thoroughly prepared to meet the demands of this challenging and ultimately rewarding occupation.