Can You Get an Associate in Nursing Online?

Associate's in Nursing onlineDistance education technologies and growing accessibility to the Internet has made it possible for prospective nursing students to get an Associate in Nursing online. A two-year associate’s degree majoring in nursing, which may also be called an ASN, can help you land entry-level positions within the healthcare arena. If you are living a busy life, you have other obligations and need a flexible program, or you do not live close to a college or university, taking a distance education program for an ASN could be the answer. Before you take an online associate’s program or you decide this is the right path for you, learn how to identify quality online programs and what you can do with your ASN.

How to Select the Right Online Degree Program

Not all degrees are created equal, and this is especially true when you are studying online. In today’s modern times, most recruiters do acknowledge that an online degree can be just as prestigious as a traditional degree, but you need to look into the institution granting the degree before you associate worth to any associate’s degree. The best way to research the ASN degree program offerings is to look for programs that are accredited by a specialized or programmatic association that has a great reputation in the nursing discipline.

There are several domestic and international agencies that accredit all types of nursing programs. An accreditation through the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is a highly respected one if you want to be a well-educated nurse in the workforce. If you want your credits to be recognized by licensing boards in America, higher education institutions, or employers, AACN-accreditation will ensure this.

What It Takes To Complete an Online Nursing Degree Program

The typical ASN degree requires 72 credit hours before you can graduate. If you were to study full-time online, it is possible to earn your degree in 18 to 24 months. To practice nursing, you must get knowledge in the classroom and also show that you have clinical skill. You cannot get the clinical skill online, but most classroom content will be covered as you study online, according to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.

When you study online, you will take general education courses. After you take these, you will take courses in anatomy, biology, fundamentals of nursing, nursing care and physiology. Before you can have a degree granted to you, you may have to complete a specified number of clinical hours in a hospital or approved setting under the supervision of a licensed nurse. Some credit-by-examination may grant you clinical credits by passing exams instead of getting the sign off for clinical training hours.

Related Resource: NCLEX Exam

With the demand for nurses on the rise, more and more people who want to switch career paths are studying for their nursing degrees. If you have a degree in another field or would simply prefer to start with an ASN for licensure, check out the online options. You may be able to balance your work, your family and your student career by taking your courses on an online platform. With your Associate in Nursing, you will be able to test to become an RN. You may hen qualify for jobs in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, hospices, home health care agencies and more. Decide if the choice to get an Associate in Nursing online is right for you, and expand your future career opportunities.